There is always something over

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There is always something over,
  When we taste our gracious Lord;
Every cup He fills o’erfloweth,
  Rich supply He doth afford.
Nothing narrow, nothing stinted,
  Ever issued from His store;
To His own He gives full measure,
  Running over, evermore,
To His own He gives full measure,
  Running over, evermore.
There is always something over,
  When we, from the Father’s hand,
Take our portion with thanksgiving,
  Praising for the things He planned.
Satisfaction, full and deepening,
  All our need He doth supply,
When the heart has tasted Jesus
  Its desires to satisfy,
When the heart has tasted Jesus
  Its desires to satisfy.
There is always something over,
  When we share in all His love;
Unplumbed depths still lie beneath us,
  Unscaled heights rise far above.
Human lips can never utter
  All His wondrous tenderness.
We can only praise and wonder
  And His Name forever bless,
We can only praise and wonder
  And His Name forever bless.

This hymn was written when our sister was down to her last dollar.

Pedro Menéndez

Bayamon, Puerto Rico, United States

There is always something over,

When we trust our gracious.

Lord; Every cup He fills o’erfloweth, His great rivers all are broad. Nothing narrow, nothing stinted, Ever issued from His store; To His own He gives full measure, Running over, evermore.

There is always something over,

When we, from the Father’s Hand, Take our portion with thanksgiving, Praising for the path He planned. Satisfaction, full and deepening, Fills the soul, and lights the eye, When the heart has trusted Jesus All its need to satisfy.

There is always something over,

When we tell of all His love;

Unplumbed depths still lie beneath us, Unscaled heights rise far above. Human lips can never utter All His wondrous tenderness. We can only praise and wonder And His Name for ever bless.

The Normal Christian

Church Life Chapter 8

James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Reference Luke 6:38. “Give and it will be given unto you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be given back to you”. We receive Gods riches as our portion, our measure. This enriches us. But these things must be pressed down and shaken into our deepest inner man, our spirit, to become our reality. As we give others of our riches God in turn gives us more to fill up our measure untill it over flows. So unto His He gives full measure, but it is related to our sharing our portion, our measure. This is a life principle, but more important is the spiritual experience of this.

Adam Overton

Durham, NC, United States

“In principle, Christ as the building [behind the temple] always has something left over, and what is left over exceeds what is used. We need to remember that five loaves fed five thousand people with twelve baskets left over (John 6:12-13). The amount left over was greater than the amount at hand at the beginning. This indicates that Christ is unlimited. Behind the portion of Christ that we need is an even greater portion that is “vacant. ””

LS Ezekiel, ch. 23. (On the building behind the temple signifying Christ’s riches being even larger than the temple itself).

The Lord’s riches are inexhaustible and greater far than our every need.

Jessica Bussell

Valley View, TX, United States

O Lord, Your so rich! You satisfy! With You, there is no lack. You are our All-sufficient God and take care of every need of your people! Praise You Lord Jesus!

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Today is the anniversary of the death of M. E. Barber 92 years ago. This excerpt is a short portion of a biography written of her.

Margaret E. Barber is little known, not only in the world in general, but also among most Christians. Some may realize that her name appears in Streams in the Desert but that is about all. She was British, but we cannot find her name in the Dictionary of National Biography. She was a missionary, but she was not like David Livingston or Hudson Taylor, who accomplished great things. Her sphere of work was not large; it was mostly limited to an obscure village in a corner of China. She was not like John Wesley, who could say “The whole world is my parish. ” She wrote hymns but not like the hymns written by Charles Wesley or Isaac Watts which can be found in most hymnals. She loved the Lord and matured in spiritual life, but she was not like Madame Guyon or Andrew Murray who left many writings that remain to the present.

It seems that she was a lonely traveler who quietly appeared on the earth. She was born in 1866 Peasenhall, County Suffolk, England, the daughter of Luis (a wheelwright—someone who repairs or makes wheels) and Martha

(nee Gibbs) Barber. At 63 years of age, M. E. Barber was taken by the Lord. Within her short lifetime she was twice called by the Lord to go to China. She gave up her home and traveled in a lonely way thousands of miles to a backward country.

She lived in a village close to Foochow where she quietly gave her best years to work for the Lord continuing faithfully unto her death on March 1, 1930. At her burial a brother said, “‘She has done what she could’—like Mary” (Mark 14:8).

Watchman Nee who received much help from her, was not present at her burial, but he wrote later of his appreciation for her in his well-known book, The Normal Christian Life.

In the last chapter, “The Goal of the Gospel”

(printed separately under the title Why This Waste? ), he quoted her words: “Lord, I am willing to break my heart in order that I may satisfy Thy heart!“ Once someone asked her, “What are the requirements to work for the Lord? “She replied, “The requirements to work for the Lord is not to work. ” Some of the Chinese young people who received help from her were worried about her. They wondered, “Why doesn’t she go out and establish meetings and work in a bigger city? ” Instead, she lived in a small village where it seemed nothing was happening. It seemed that it was a waste for her to be there. One brother almost shouted at her, “No one knows the Lord as you do. You know the Bible in a most living way. Don’t you see the need around? Why don’t you go out and accomplish something? You just sit here seemingly doing nothing. You are wasting your time, energy, and money; you are wasting everything! ”

Was there waste? After all these years, it is clear. She was a seed of life sown by God in China. This seed surely went through loneliness, humiliation, and seclusion. But thank God He made her blossom and bear fruit. Only God knows how many people received spiritual help from her directly and indirectly. The marvelous thing is this: God caused her to bear fruit abundantly. While she was alive, God did not let her know this.

“O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and untraceable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has become His counselor? ” (Romans 11:33-34)

M. E Barber- The Story- (p1)

Christian Websites

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

Psa. 138:8

Jehovah will complete that which concerns me.

O Jehovah, Your lovingkindness is forever;

Do not forsake the works of Your own hands.

Sarah Takubika

Kampala, Uganda

Oh Lord Jesus , you are our sure supply. You are much more to us than we can tell.

I can only praise and wonder all my days!!! Amen

Pat Snyder

New Hamburg, Ontario, Canada

we can only praise and wonder and in His Name forever bless

Bea C.

United States

Amen! We love you Lord!

Benjamin Lee

Cambridge, MA, United States

May we taste our gracious Lord! There is ALWAYS something over! Every cup He fills overflows!

That was a great and noble statement that our brother Paul made to the Philippians. He dared to say to those who were almost his sole supporters, "I have received in full all things and abound." Paul gave no hint of need, but took the position of a wealthy child of a wealthy Father, and he had no fears that by doing so further supplies would not be forthcoming. It was all very well for apostles to say to an unbeliever who himself was in distress, "Silver and gold I do not possess," but it would never have done for a needy apostle to say that to believers who would be ready to respond to an appeal for help. It is a dishonor to the Lord if any representative of His discloses needs that would provoke pity on the part of others. If we have a living faith in God, we shall always make our boast in Him, and we shall dare to proclaim under every circumstance, "I have received in full all things and abound." There is nothing petty or mean about God's true servants; they are all great souls. The following lines were penned by Miss M. E. Barber on Psalm 23:5 when she had used her last dollar:


Piano Hymns