Jesus! I am resting, resting
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,
For, by Thy transforming power,
Thou hast made me whole.
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,
For, by Thy transforming power,
Thou hast made me whole.
Jesus! I am resting, resting
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
In the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.
Oh, how great Thy loving kindness,
Vaster, broader than the sea:
Oh, how marvelous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!
Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
Know what wealth of grace is Thine,
Know Thy certainty of promise,
And have made it mine.
Vaster, broader than the sea:
Oh, how marvelous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!
Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved,
Know what wealth of grace is Thine,
Know Thy certainty of promise,
And have made it mine.
Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart,
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets, supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings,
Thine is love indeed.
I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart,
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets, supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings,
Thine is love indeed.
Ever lift Thy face upon me,
As I work and wait for Thee;
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth’s dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father’s glory,
Sunshine of my Father’s face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting,
Fill me with Thy grace.
As I work and wait for Thee;
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth’s dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father’s glory,
Sunshine of my Father’s face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting,
Fill me with Thy grace.
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Aurora, IL, United States
Years ago I played this on the piano accompanied by the organist on Sunday’s mornings when it was on the program. I have often, since then, found myself singing the chorus day or night. Even in the middle of the night when unable to sleep. Will share it vocally tomorrow at Bible Study hoping others know it and will join me in song.
Ft Mill, SC, United States
Austin, TX, United States
I lead worship for a college ministry, and we sing this song about once a month with our college group. The words are such an encouragement to me, as I know I cannot do the work of ministry on my own and need to rest every day in the joy of who Jesus is. I trust and pray that as we sing this song it will get buried deep in the hearts of these college students and will carry them through hard times to come.
Long Beach, CA, United States
We’ll I’m here in Long Beach resting too Lucia, it is many times our circumstances that force us to come to Him like Hannah in the book of Samuel. It is then we begin to realize more of who He is as we see in this hymn and trust Him in our circumstances even though we are under a dark cloud I think it says v. 4. Praise the Lord!
Pike Road, Alabama, United States
One of the Best hymns ever written
Long Beach, CA, United States
I have been in poor health for many years and so when I overtax my body, I am stopped quite suddenly as if my body put on the breaks. This morning, I was brought to this hymn to realize how merciful the Lord is to give me many opportunities to experience him as my rest. I heard the phrase “stop and smell the roses” many times but never related it to my Christian life. The Lord says in Matthew “Come unto me…and I will give you rest” How can I be brought into knowing the breadth, and length and height and depths of Christ (Eph 3:18) if I don’t learn to stop and experience Christ as my rest in these debilitating health restrictions. “Jesus I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness of thy loving heart” What a wonderful hymn to direct us into deeper experiences of Christ as our real rest!
Monroe, NJ, United States
I woke up with this song in my heart-& googled it—love all the words—very encouraged!!
Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
As I was meditating on 2 Corinthians 3:18 this morning, the phrase "Brightness of my Father’s glory" came to mind. I am grateful that a Google search directed me to the words of this wonderful old hymnm
Nipomo, CA, United States
blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth
Hampton, VA, United States
Read about this hymn in Hudson Taylor’s biography. How blessed he was to know not only the words but the experience of it.