Thou Breath from still eternity

Thou Breath from still eternity
  Breathe o’er my spirit’s barren land—
The pine tree and the myrtle tree
  Shall spring amid the desert sand;
And where Thy living water flows
  The waste shall blossom as the rose.
May I in will and deed and word
  Obey Thee as a little child;
And keep me in Thy love, my Lord,
  For ever holy, undefiled;
Within me teach, and strive, and pray,
  Lest I should choose my own wild way.
Thy Spirit, Stream by Thee, the Son,
  Is opened to us crystal pure,
Forth flowing from the heavenly throne
  To waiting hearts and spirits poor;
Athirst and weary do I sink
  Beside Thy waters, there to drink.
My spirit turns to Thee and clings,
  All else forsaking, unto Thee;
Forgetting all created things,
  Remembering only “God in me.”
Thy living Stream, Thy gracious Rain,
  None wait for these, and wait in vain.
Robert Hedrick

Fountain Valley, California, United States

Isaiah 55 tells of this songs nature and the result of the light of His good word taking root in the good soil of one’s own undivided heart united in reverence and holy fear. As Jude 21: praying in the Holy Spirt keeping yourself in the love of God. Even as Christ Himself said it’s not I but the Father in me who does the good works, May we allow by the Father’s grace; to allow the virtue of Jesus, the hidden man of the heart to be at home there! Then by the Holy Spirt’s power to allow Him Jesus to be vicariously lived in and through us. That out of our bellies may flow torrents of His redemptive living water!

Cody Enderli

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Within me, Lord, anoint me, teach me and strive with me, lest I choose my own wild way. Keep us Lord, every day, every moment. Start in the morning gaining us, that our spirit would turn to Thee and cling to Thee.


Lubbock, Texas, United States

Lord your Spirit is open to us! We just need your breath

Sister Vali

Tirane, Albania

May I in will and deed and word

Obey Thee as a little child;

And keep me in Thy love, my Lord,

For ever holy, undefiled;

Maurice Ward

Columbus, United States

I am forgetting all created things. All things of the old man. I am remembering only God in me.

Though I may be waiting for His living Stream and gracious Rain, I wait not in vain. None who wait for God wait in vain. Wow! I love you Lord


Leuven, Belgium

“And where Thy living water flows

The waste shall blossom as the rose. ” Keep flowing the living water until all the waste land in my being shall blossom as the rose!

Alex Walker

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Romans 5:5 "And hope does not put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us"

Waiting for anything else will result in being put to shame. But waiting for the heavenly stream and the heavenly rain is never in vain. Thank you Lord for being the real hope.

Marlon Crapatanta

General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines

Remembering only God in me.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord, thank You for saving me from my own wild ways. Not only for my initial salvation, but also for becoming my day-to-day saving Grace.

I stand on this promise - none waits for these and wait in vain. None. O Lord teach me to wait on You! But for me I will wait on Jehovah!

Faith Rotich

Roundrock, Texas, United States

Amen! Lord thank You that You are the living stream within us.

Piano Hymns