Oh, the Lord is quickly coming

Oh, the Lord is quickly coming,
He has spoken in His Word;
And confirmed it by the churches,
For His Spirit we have heard.
Not to all the seven churches
Did the Lord speak in this way;
To the church in Philadelphia
Did He choose these words to say.
Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Church so full of brotherly love,
You’re the church to bring the Bridegroom
Back to earth from heav’n above.
He that hath the key of David,
He that shuts and opens too,
Knows thy works, O Philadelphia;
That’s why you’re His Bride so true.
Not so strong by worldly standards,
Hidden from religion’s fame;
Jesus loves you, Philadelphia,
For you’re faithful to His name.
By His Word you’re overcoming—
How the Amen does resound!
Just hold fast to what you’ve gotten,
That no man may take your crown.
You have kept His Word of patience;

He will keep you from that hour
Which upon the whole world cometh
When the Lord comes in His power.
“I come quickly,” Philadelphia,
Speaks the Lord to none but you;
“Amen! Quickly come, Lord Jesus,”
Answer back His faithful few.

Forth Worth, Texas, United States

By His word you are overcoming - how the Amen does resound! Just hold fast what you've gotten; that no man may take your crown!

PK Hodges

Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Beautiful, encouraging words in an easy to learn tune. Tremendously powerful, especially since it is so true that Jesus is going to "keep us from the hour of temptation", as long as we "hold fast to which thou hast, that no man take thy crown." I have been given six warnings in 2012 alone that Jesus will rapture us, His Church, very, very soon. (and I know I am not the only person within the Body of Christ who is being warned!) This event draws closer and closer to us with each passing day. May we each be willing to do the work the Lord has called and ordained us to do before this moment arrives, and may we-each of us, hold fast to our reward. Maranatha; Come, Lord Jesus!