If there is a song, a song I must sing

If there is a song, a song I must sing,
That song is of Christ, my Savior and King!
The Lamb who was slain and made my robes white,
And opened the way to the tree of life!
  Oh, He is my joy, Oh,  He is my rest,
None other but Christ, Oh, He is the best!
If there is a song, a song I must sing,
That song is of Christ, my Savior and King!
Oh, Christ is my strength, salvation and song!
Of Him I must sing, and sing all day long!
The God-man who came, yes, Jesus His name—
Today, yesterday, forever the same!
This One is my peace, my healing, my rest,
My light in the night, my joy in distress;
My Shepherd who guides to rivers of life
Brings joy to my heart and blissful delight!
My Christ is true joy, my sunlight each day,
When I sing of Him no sorrow can stay!
My death He made life, my mourning made song,
Of Him I must sing and sing all day long!
David H

Riverside, California, United States

Christ is my song!