Anyone Who Hears These Words

Anyone who hears these words of mine and does them,
Shall be likened to a prudent man,
Who built his house upon the rock,
And the rain descended and the rivers came,
And the winds blew, and they beat against that house,
And it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
Lord, I thank You that I have the rock, Your wise words,
That reveal the Father's will to me.
Put in me a heart that would respond,
And a will to choose the narrow way.
Make me prudent, Lord, for the building of Your house,
And I would not fall, for I'd be founded on the rock.
Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

I really enjoyed reading this portion of the word and seeing it's connection to chapter 8 of Matthew. In chapter 8 of Matthew a centurion man tells the Lord to only speak a word and his servant will be healed. The Lord said this was such great faith. This gentile man recognized the Lord's authority, and even more recognized the authority of the Lord's word and believed in His word. The Lord's word reveals to us the Father's will. By seeing the Lord's response in v 11 about the overcoming gentile believers reclining at table in the kingdom of the heavens we see that this faith displayed, the faith in Christ and His word is truly the Father's will for us. It is by opening to the Lord's word and letting it have full authority over our living and work that we will enter in through the narrow gate and walk the constricted way.

Benjamin Lee

Cambridge, MA, United States

Lord, we open to your words. May our living and work be founded on the rock. Whatever may come, rain, rivers, or winds, may they not fall.



Praise You Lord Jesus!! My Rock, my Savior, my Redeemer Lives!! Hallelujah!