The best love for the Lord

Loving You, Lord's all I'm living for;
Loving You, Lord, to the uttermost.
Lord, forgive me if I've left my first love,
That's the bridal love to You.
You are more than any one I love.
You are more than anything I have,
Even my dear self; nothing can compare
To my beloved Bridegroom.
  I give You the first place in all things by faith.
Let nothing take Your place in all my heart.
Infuse me with Yourself abundantly
'Til we meet, dear Lord.
I'll love You with the best love.
You've the right to take all that I love,
But replace it with Yourself much more.
You are what I need, give Yourself to me,
Do not give all that I want.
Everything is sure to pass away,
Everyone is going their own way.
But I still have You and You have me too,
Loving one another's sweet.
I treasure my time alone with You,
Just to gain the best love You long for.
My dearest Husband, draw me with Yourself
Into Your chambers right now.
Be the first in all my work and life,
Be the first in all my service too.
In relationships, You must be the first;
Have preeminence in me.
Ivy Kids

Sibu, Malaysia

Praise the Lord, only He has the right to take all that I love. He must be the first in everything and my whole life. Lord Jesus, I really want to give myself to You. I need You lord, I need You. Give Yourself to me, but not give all that I want!

Denil Ting

Miri, Sarawak

Lord, though i know all things will pass away, but I need more of Your mercy and grace and the preciousness of Your blood to cleanse and bring through all these temptations. Lord, for this i'm willing to give all that i have unto You, make me an overcomer everyday and pursue You constantly. (te amo mi Jesus).

Corina Camacho

Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz De La Sierra, Bolivia

Este himno es muy maravilloso, pues desde que lo escuch no pude resistir el llanto, este himno toca mi ser haciendo que este se arrepienta por cada momento que no le digo el Seor que lo amo y que l es el mejor amor para todo ser que pise la tierra. Tenemos un Seor que nos ama de una manera incondicional. Aleluya por que este es el mejor amor.

Colin Law




this song inspires me to love the Lord with my whole heart..loving Him in a way that he must be the first in everything I do..hallelujah for the Love of God that we must pay the price to love and to serve Him WITH our whole being..

Mark John Kibo-Kibo

Antique, Philippines

I really love this song. In this song I learn how to give my best love to the Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus!! I love You with the best love.

Karen Cheng

Kinta Selatan, Perak, Malaysia

This song I learn when I was in the upper youth training this year...really touched because I see that I must let the Lord be the first in everything! I know that my heart really contained many things...not filled by the Lord. I love the things in this world but not loving the Lord!! O Lord, plz forgive me...I love You...Lord keep my heart true to You...I love You!!!


I really love this song.... I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS!!

Joules Lopez

Pagadian, Philippines

I really like this song because it refreshes me esp. in my work.

Jeremiah F. Palomar

Bulacan, Philippines

I like this song simply because it draws me to the Lord's presence whenever I sing this, the tune fits with its lyrics. May the Lord inspire more of His lovers to make a song and a melody for Himself. Amen.