It is God's commandment and desire

It is God's commandment and desire
That His people call on Him
And it is the joyful way to drink
From the fount of God's salvation.
Yes, this is a joyful way
To delight oneself in Him.
God becomes our enjoyment
Just by calling on His precious name.
  Calling Him is not a new practice
In the New Testament.
It began way back in Genesis,
And throughout the Old Testament.
Enosh, Job, and Abraham—
All these ones called on Him.
Moses, Samuel, and David—
And many others did the same.
It is such a jubilant practice
That Joel prophesied.
And this was fulfilled at Pentecost,
So Peter testified:
All who call upon the name
Of the Lord shall be saved.
All who call upon the name
Of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.
God outpoured His Spirit on all flesh
For the application
Of His rich salvation to all men,
But we must call upon Him.
Calling brings the Jubilee;
Jesus comes to you and me.
Calling sets the captives free;
We're enjoying God in liberty.
Calling was a major practice then
By the early Christians.
It became a popular sign
Of Christ's believers then.
Yes, this is a joyful way
To delight oneself in Him.
God becomes enjoyable
Just by calling on His precious name.
Calling is opposed as it was then
By the camp of religion.
But His witnesses kept calling Him:
They weren't stopped by opposition.
We must be like Stephen then;
Jesus was his everything.
Even while they martyred him,
He was calling on the highest name.
Nathan David Reilly

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Moses did all he can for God, he still doing God's will, and power to remind all saints, to live according to His might and power to save, His peopke from lawlessness and deceit.


United States

Amen Sister Elizabeth.


Spokane, WA, United States

Many people's lives have been saved by calling on His name, only to later forget Him and attribute their rescue to themselves or to other human beings. Let us never forget that He is the One who saves, who heals, and who watches over us every hour!