God ordained us unto sonship

God ordained us unto sonship,
  Ere creation's work was done,
To conform us by His Spirit
  To the image of His Son;
That His only dear Begotten
  Might become the firstborn One,
And by Him with many brethren
  His expression full be won.
By divine regeneration
  We the sons of God became,
But we must mature to fullness,
  Thus the birthright to obtain.
Born and fully grown to manhood,
  God's adoption we may share;
By the measure of full stature,
  We God's sonship will declare.
All our spirit, soul and body
  Unto Christ conformed must be;
This will be accomplished fully
  When our glorious Lord we see.
By our body's full redemption
  Shall adoption be complete;
By the final transformation
  All God's purpose we shall meet.
By that final transformation,
  We'll be fully sanctified;
God will bring us into glory,
  With His Son identified.
All creation is expecting
  Sons of God revealed to be,
That they might be freed from bondage
  Into glorious liberty.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Sister Vali Ruth

Tirane, Albania

By that final transformation,   We’ll be fully sanctified;  God will bring us into glory,   With His Son identified.  All creation is expecting  Sons of God revealed to be,  That they might be freed from bondage  Into glorious liberty

Piano Hymns