Let's take the land! The land that God has given us

CB1287 Cs243 D1287 E1287 G1287 LSM263 R146 S404 T1287
Let's take the land! The land that God has given us;
In all our living, Christ can be so much:
To take this land, we have th' equipment that we need—
The blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the church.
  Let's take the land! O Christian brothers,
  The land that God has given us.
  Be strong and take it, for we can make it
    And gain this land so glorious!

  Let's take the land! O Christian sisters,
  And to these things give earnest heed.
  The Lord implores us; He's gone before us
    And given everything we need!
We have the blood! Christ is our spotless offering,
Who gave Himself, our God to satisfy;
And so we come with boldness to the throne of grace,
And all day long, the precious blood apply.
We have the Word! The written Word's our daily food;
We mix this Word with faith and say "Amen!"
Then thro' the day, the spoken Word will speak to us
And regulate our living from within.
The Spirit's ours! The Spirit of reality,
He's independent of the way we feel;
He dwells in us, and teaches us to dwell in Him,
And guides us into everything that's real.
We have the church! All saints are needed to possess
The fullness of this vast reality;
Together we will gain this all-inclusive Christ,
And He to us our everything will be.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord! We need to be the land-takers, the corporate Joshua who are one with God in His move to enter into and take the land and possess it by enjoying the all-inclusive Christ as our inheritance. Hallelujah!!!

Sister Dorothy

Abu Dhabi, Mussafah District, United Arab Emirates



In Genesis, in creation God raised the Land out of the death waters. In the Old Testament the Land was a portion of the birthright. Colossians 1:11 we have been qualified for a portion of the saints in the light. Our right is to participate in this Divine One. There is an open gate, the Tree of Life, the all inclusive Christ our good Land.


We can only overcome in HIM!

Kenya Neal

Gainesville, FL, United States

The Spirit’s ours! The Spirit of reality,

He’s independent of the way we feel;

He dwells in us, and teaches us to dwell in Him,

And guides us into everything that’s real.

Praise the Lord we have the Spirit! It doesn’t matter how we feel—the Spirit is ours and dwells in us! He’s guiding us into all that’s real!

AC Haway

Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines

Joshua 1:6 "Be strong and take courage, for you will cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give to them."

Joshua 1:3, footnote 1:

On the one hand, God had given Israel the good land; on the other hand, Israel still needed to take the land by rising up to fulfill God’s commission. In order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of Satan, God’s people needed to be in full cooperation and coordination with God...


Saints, be strong, take courage! Let's take the land! Cooperate with God in His economy and possess the all-inclusive good land He has already given us!

Dawn Citto

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

AMEN!! oooh Amen Lord - YOU have given us ALL the equipment,

we have everything we Need!

The Blood, The Spirit, the Word & the Church is ours...... Hallelujah for this equipment, we take This Land, we take it with All the Other precious stones, We Enjoy this Land, Praisseee YOU!!

Henna and Francis

Anaheim, CA, United States

We have the church! All saints are needed to possess

The fullness of this vast reality;

Together we will gain this all-inclusive Christ,

And He to us our everything will be.

Taylor C.

Fort Worth, Texas, United States

We can make it in, by, with and through Christ! We have everything we need!

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

ALL (that means you! ) saints are needed to possess the fullness of this vast reality.

Piano Hymns