If you are tired of the load of your sin

C719 CB1038 E1038 G1038 K719 R500 T1038
If you are tired of the load of your sin,
  Let Jesus come into your heart;
If you desire a new life to begin,
  Let Jesus come into your heart.
Just now, your doubtings give o'er;
Just now, reject Him no more;
Just now, throw open the door;
  Let Jesus come into your heart.
If 'tis for purity now that you sigh,
  Let Jesus come into your heart;
Fountains for cleansing are flowing near by,
  Let Jesus come into your heart.
If there's a tempest your voice cannot still,
  Let Jesus come into your heart;
If there's a void this world never can fill,
  Let Jesus come into your heart.
W. Aardsma

Plymouth, MI, United States

I like to point out that Lelia Morris was raised Methodist PROTESTANT Church, and married into the Methodist Episocpal Church. She is also listed as "Mrs. C.H. Morris" on some hymns. there's some information on her in "Understanding Our New United Methodist Hymnal" which may still be in print. At one place they say that she wrote over 900 hymns, in another that she wrote several thousand hymns. one hymn that she wrote suggests that she was Premillenial in her views when most Methodists of the time would be optimistic Postmillenialist.

Elizabeth Staeheli

Spokane, Washington, United States

Thank you, Steve, for that history!

Steve Miller

Detroit, Michigan, United States

Lelia Naylor Morris wrote nearly 1500 hymns. She was the 5th child of John T. and Olivia Naylor. She was born in Pennsville, Ohio. Later the family moved to Malta, not far from Pennsville. There Lelia lived until she was married. She was only 10 or 11 years old when her father died. Lelia had to work to help supplement the family income. Lelia later wrote of these years: "I cannot remember any carefree days. Always there was work to be done, and every penny stretched to the limit." Lelia was about 10 when she felt her need of forgiveness in Christ. They attended a Methodist Protestant Church in McConnelsville, near Malta. Lelia wrote: "I knew that I needed a Savior. Three times I went forward, but could not find forgiveness. A man came and laid his hand on my head, and said: 'Why, little girl, God is here to hear you, and He is ready to forgive your sins.'" She did believe and accepted Christ as her Savior.

A neighbor of Lelia's noticed that she had musical talent. She allowed her to practice on their piano because the Naylor family did not own a musical instrument. Lelia did well on the piano and had some music lessons from friends.

Lelia assisted her mother in a small clothing shop. She learned to sew, knit, and crochet clothing that would be sold in their shop. At the age of 12 she was helping in church work: singing and playing. At the age of 19 she fell in love with Charles H. Morris of McConnelsville. They were married soon after, and Lelia joined the Methodist Episcopal Church with her husband.

Lelia had not done any writing of hymns or tunes until she was 30 years old. However, she attended a Camp Meeting at Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, some time after her 30th birthday. At these services she received an experience that was to greatly influence her life from that time. Many people who love Mrs. Morris' hymns will bless that day when she "opened her heart, and let the Holy Spirit come in." That was the way she described her experience later. She said that she rededicated her life to God. She wrote: "I know that if we honor God, our lives will radiate joy and gladness. I have tried to honor the Holy Spirit. I just opened my heart to let His Holy Spirit come in. He filled me with joy and gladness."

Mrs. Morris began to lose her sight by the time she was 40 years old. By her 51st year her sight had failed completely, or nearly so. Her son made her a blackboard over 20 feet long on which were painted the lines of the staff. She continued writing hymns until her death at age 67.

She wrote "Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart", an invitational hymn which came almost spontaneously as she with Dr. Gilmour and an evangelist, Rev. L. H. Baker, were helping a penitent soul at the altar. Mrs. Morris said: "Just now, your doubtings give o'er." Dr. Gilmour leaned over and said: "Just now, reject Him no more." Rev. Baker, standing at the altar, leaned over and added: "Just now throw open the door." To which Mrs. Morris added: "Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart." A hymn was born. - Hymn Stories by Wilbur Konkel


There is a 4th stanza:

If you would join the glad songs of the blest,

Let Jesus come into your heart;

If you would enter the mansions of rest,

Let Jesus come into your heart.


Ipswich, Qld, Australia

These old songs are pregnant with meaning and were written from personal experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. The writer must have had a very deep desire and longing for those who are missing out on the abundant life, to come on board.


Massachusetts, U.S.A.

My grandmother who is 95 and close to passing sang this as a child.

Stanzas 4 and 5 are added:

4. If you'd turn darkness to light unsurpassed,

Let Jesus come into your heart;

Sickness to health, peace that ever shall last—

Let Jesus come into your heart.

5. If you would join the glad songs of the blest,

Let Jesus come into your heart;

Enter the realm of His peace and sweet rest—

Let Jesus come into your heart.