Soldiers of Christ, arise

Soldiers of Christ, arise,
  And put your armor on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies,
  Through His eternal Son;
  Strong in the Lord of Hosts,
  And in His mighty pow'r,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts
  Is more than conqueror.
Stand then in His great might,
  With all His strength endued;
And take, to arm you for the fight,
  The panoply of God,
  That, having all things done,
  And all your conflicts past,
Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone,
  And stand complete at last.
Leave no unguarded place,
  No weakness of the soul,
Take every virtue, every grace,
  And fortify the whole.
  To keep your armor bright
  Attend with constant care,
Still walking in your Captain's sight
  And watching unto prayer.
Pray, without ceasing pray,
  Your Captain gives the word;
His summons cheerfully obey,
  And call upon the Lord:
  To God your every want
  In instant prayer display;
Pray always; pray, and never faint;
  Pray, without ceasing pray.
From strength to strength go on;
  Wrestle, and fight, and pray;
Tread all the powers of darkness down,
  And win the well-fought day:
  Still let the Spirit cry
  In all His soldiers, "Come!"
Till Christ the Lord descend from high,
  And take the conquerors home.
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

The more I go on in the wonderful Christian Life the more I realize the importance of prayer. God really wants us to talk to Him, to plead with Him, even to command Him in desperate prayer. This is much more profitable than trying to "fix" the situations we are praying for in our natural man.

Akin Sowemimo

Asokoro, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

Beautiful and inspiring hymn. I came across a great rendition of this hymn as a Viking shanty and was impressed by the Power of the words and it's immediate relevance even within our contemporary lives in the AI age.

Andi Dawes

Kingston, Jamaica

A wonderful hymn that does rouse my spirit to put on my armour and move in Him and in all His ways.

Cheryl Chester

Roselle, NJ, United States

Bless the Lord, As I was praying for the Body of Christ to arise as the earthly armies of God, Holy Spirit reminded me of this Hymn. It is so right on target for the season we are in. The Lord of the earthly armies is expecting us to arise and take a stand. For too long, we the soldiers of Christ have been lying dormant. Arise soldiers and take your place. Fight on our knees. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Simon Holloway

Weston Super Mare, Somerset, United Kingdom

I have been meditating on the Armour of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 and reflecting on Pilgrim’s progress also and JRR Tolkien’s’Lord of the Rings’ as well as my old school in Stonehouse, near Stroud in Gloucestershire where we used to sing this hymn in our daily chapel assemblies, straight after breakfast and before lessons ( it was a boarding school for 13-18yrs). Such a wonderful hymn by Charles Wesley which exhorts is to follow Paul’s command to

* stand your ground

* stand firm

* take your stand

* stand then

We can only do this if we are Strong on the Lord and on His mighty power, through daily exercises that strengthen our spiritual muscles as we meditate on Gods Word slowly and ask the Holy Spirit to write it on our hearts. Prayer changes things and in this current ‘ day of evil ‘ we are just called to STAND.

Note also that we are to put Von each piece of the armour in prayer but there is no protection for the back because we are called to face the enemy and also be part of an army where others ‘watch our back’ as we do for them,

Valentine Terngu

North-Bank Makurdi, Benue, Nigeria

The song is appropriate for these trying times... I taught my choir the song several years ago. And I can't find it in all my hymnbooks available I decided to check the music online and sing...

Leslie Sands

Los Osos, California, United States

In God's strength, may we stand firm and not lose heart in the face of so much turmoil in our country. Charles Wesley's hymn is such a timely reminder.

John 16:33 [Amplified Bible] – "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you. ]"

Ben Kayekjian

Lubbock, Texas, United States

We can put the armor on by daily enjoying the Lord. With the armor we become strong fighters for the Lord!

Mabel Morris

Brampton, ON, Canada

It is the dawn of the Sabbath. I am not in an environment to focus on the creative power of God nor to be focused on Him. In my bid to concentrate Jesus brought this song to my mind. I am greatly inspired that in the strength of the Lord alone I'll be more than conqueror. Praise be to God!!!

Anne Morris

Nairobi, Kenya

This lovely and inspiring song just came to my spirit while I am at work and was having a rather disorganized morning. It has strengthened me.