搜索 121
E677 Art thou sunk in depths of sorrow 經典詩歌
E481 Crucified with Christ my Savior 經典詩歌
E248 Fainting in the desert 經典詩歌
E690 Hark! a voice from heav'n proclaiming 經典詩歌
E362 He died for me that I might live 經典詩歌
E906 How much can we do for our Savior 經典詩歌
E482 I am crucified with Christ 經典詩歌
E576 I clasp the hand of Love divine 經典詩歌
E523 I have come to the Fountain of Life 經典詩歌
NT523 I have come to the Fountain of Life 新調
E564 I have learned the wondrous secret 經典詩歌
E721 I'll sing of the wonderful promise 經典詩歌
NT721 I'll sing of the wonderful promise 新調
E1041 Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall 經典詩歌
E511 Jesus only is our message 經典詩歌
E255 O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me 經典詩歌
E650 O doubting, struggling Christian 經典詩歌
E993 O how sweet the glorious message 經典詩歌
E717 O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore 經典詩歌
E652 O troubled soul, beneath the rod 經典詩歌
E479 Oh, What a Wonderful Place 經典詩歌
E805 Oh, how I love this blessed Book 經典詩歌
E805b Oh, how I love this blessed Book (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E8548 Oh, how blessed is God's gospel 經典詩歌
E513 Once it was the blessing 經典詩歌