Let Earth in Wonder See My Consecration

Let earth in wonder see my consecration;
All, for this generation is outpoured.
Time swiftly flies; eternity is nearing;
A new age dawns, with my appearing Lord.
Time swiftly flies; eternity is nearing;
A new age dawns, with my appearing Lord.
O Seven Spirits, earnest I beseech Thee!
O burning fire, set all my heart ablaze!
Search all my being, from my self deliv’ring;
O Morning Star, direct through all my days.
Search all my being, from my self deliv’ring;
O Morning Star, direct through all my days.
Affix mine eyes, that I behold Thee only;
Strengthen my spirit, with me ever stay;
Lord, set my steps to walk Thy path, unswerving;
Hold fast my hands, unceasingly to pray.
Lord, set my steps to walk Thy path, unswerving;
Hold fast my hands, unceasingly to pray.

Duarte, CA, United States

This hymn was written by Brother Andrew Yu in 2012 for the Chinese-speaking students' training. In that training he called on the young people to consecrate their next 30 years to the Lord. He quoted a line from Brother Watchman Nee: "Whether or not God will find a way in this generation depends on whether or not there are absolute people in this generation." He also quoted Acts 13:36, which says: "Now David, having served his own generation by the counsel of God, did indeed fall asleep and was buried with his fathers and saw corruption." Brother Andrew explained that to serve a generation is roughly to serve for 30 years, and if you live longer as Brother Witness Lee did, you may serve two generations. David in his prime time (not counting his waning years) served Israel for roughly 30 years. The priests in the OT could only serve from age 25 to 50, roughly 30 years. At the time of 2012, when Brother Andrew gave these messages, he said that the history of the Lord's recovery can be divided into three section of 30 years each, from 1922 to 2012. Brother Nee served the generation from 1922-1952. Brother Lee served (full time) from 1934-1997 (two 30 years). In 2012, Brother Andrew himself had served full time for 30 years, from 1982 to 2012. Who is going to serve their generation for the next 30 years? So he exhorted all the young people to consecrate their next 30 years to serve their generation as the final generation in the stage of intensification, to bring the Lord back.