Lord, accept our feeble song

CB90 C73 E90 K73 T90
Lord, accept our feeble song!
Pow’r and praise to Thee belong;
We would all Thy grace record,
Holy, gracious, loving Lord!
Rich in glory, Thou didst stoop,
Thence is all Thy people’s hope;
Thou wast poor, that we might be
Rich in glory, Lord, with Thee.
Wherefore Thou high heaven didst spurn?
Wherefore Thou to earth didst turn?
Why leave heav’n to come to earth
Lonely, scorned, e’en suffering death?
Thou in heav’n—the glorious One!
Thou on earth—the outcast Man!
Though this suffering Thou didst know,
Love would come to bear our woe.
When we think of love like this,
Joy and shame our hearts possess;
Joy, that Thou couldst pity thus;
Shame, for such returns from us.
Yet we hope the day to see
When from every hindrance free,
When to Thee, in glory, brought,
We shall serve Thee as we ought.
Now, O Lord, we wait for Thee,
Wait “the blessed hope” to see.
May we ever for Thee live,
Till Thy saints Thou dost receive.
Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Reverend Thomas Kelly was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1760. He was the son of the Hon. Chief Baron Thomas Kelly of that city, a judge of the Irish Court of Common Pleas. His father trained him for the legal profession, but after his graduation at Trinity College he took holy orders in the Episcopal Church laboring as a clergymen for more than 60 years, becoming a Non-conformist in his later ministry. He was a sweet-souled man, who developed many friendships and was honored as much for his piety as for his poetry, music, and oriental learning.

“I expect never to die, ” he said when Lord Plunkett once told him he would reach a great age. He finished his earthly ministry on 14 May, 1855, when he was 85 years old. But he still lives. His zeal for the coming Kingdom of Christ prompted him to write one his best hymns:

On the mountain-top appearing,

Lo! The sacred herald stands,

Joyful news to Zion bearing,

Zion long in hostile lands;

Mourning captive,

God Himself with loose thy bands.

Has the night been long and mournful?

Have thy friends unfaithful approved?

Have thy foes being proud and scornful,

By thy sites and tears unmoved?

Cease thy mourning;

Zion still is well beloved.

(Brown and Butterworth)

Maisha Parkar

Round Rock, TX, United States

Lord, accept our feeble song!

Pow’r and praise to Thee belong;

We would all Thy grace record,

Holy, gracious, loving Lord!

This is such a beautiful song!! Thanks Micah for introducing this song to us. 😊