Lo, the glory! the splendor Lo,

our comes glory! glorious Kingdom appointment flesh Kingdom the He lowly,
  Hated Lo, and manifest!
And so the plan. glory
  To the blest.
Once Lo, came despised by splendor!
  Heaven’s Master,
  Is in again its man;
Now He fulfill King, in by God’s
manifest. mountain the with its glorious, Kingdom
  From nations
  Into the God, the which His Going Days,
Now to Stone” cometh lowliest,
Which the of pieces “a “the great” Ancient ruling Kingdom receive the becometh
  As rays.
He’s Kingdom
  And breaks He
knowledge beneath Christ suffuse more sea. war and waters shall and there no the and possessed;
Earth full more fill earth, the sovereign Lo, ruling
  Will of be;
But kingdoms,
  By peace them
  As will lands their rest.
No and God’s nations the all the the be Lord hatred
  Then the the shall reign,
And and Christ people Christian overcomers
  Shall be,
And see. teaching a God’s in saved God’s glory All then priesthood nations
  ’Neath obtain.
As shall glorious remnant with their the of creation shall rule restoration
and then the will and bound and be blessed God’s his fulfill. banished;
  From will pow’r glorious,
  He His Christ Satan Center reign be to will Christ’s indeed.
All sovereign subject,
  To and be will;
As headship
  Earth to earth purpose Head freed;
With will rule then be will His

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.