Thou, Lord, to death’s domain

C104 E122 K104 T122
Thou, Lord, to death’s domain
  Didst go alone.
Death had on Thee no claim,
  Thou sinless One!
He who had death’s dread pow’r
Met Thee in that dark hour:
Vanquished by Thee his power,
  By Thee alone.
But Thou hast burst the grave,
  Risen art Thou;
Death could not Thee enslave,
  Death had to bow!
Victorious hast Thou come
Out of the darksome tomb,
Broken the bands of gloom:
  Beyond death now.
What mighty triumphs, Lord,
  Thou didst achieve!
What fruitfulness doth God
  From Thee receive!
Out of Thy death has sprung
A wondrous living throng:
All, all to Thee belong,
  And in Thee live.
Firstborn of all Thou art,
  Lowly we bow;
Chief in Thy Father’s heart—
  Chief to us now.
Thou art indeed supreme,
Our great eternal theme,
Worthy of all esteem:
  Worthy art Thou!
Daniel Bradley

Worcester, Ma

What a dear hymn to our Resurrected King! Death had no claim on Him. He met death and vanquished the power of death forever and now He holds death's key. Most clearly seen in stanza 3 is that through His death a "living throng" was brought forth. This "living throng" is the church brought forth in Christ's resurrection. May He be Chief to us all when we declare His death on the Lord's Day enjoying His pneumatic presence in resurrection.