God shall rise, His foes be scattered

Cs9 E1100 T1100 G1100
God shall rise, His foes be scattered,
  All that hate Him flee away.
As the wax before the fire,
  All the wicked He shall slay.
But the righteous shall rejoice
  With a loud, triumphant voice,
Singing praises, singing praises,
  Singing praises unto God!
He is riding through the deserts,
  Bringing in His saints in need.
He’s a Father to the orphans
  And a refuge tried indeed
In His holy habitation—
  What a wonderful salvation!
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Here the lone have found a family,
  Here the desolate a home;
Prisoners are brought from bondage
  To prosperity unknown.
For the flock—what wondrous grace—
  God prepared this dwelling place:
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Now the Lord in mighty triumph
  Sends the news of victory;
We the “women” spread the tidings—
  “Kings of armies flee, they flee!”
No more sweat and dreary toil;
  We at home divide the spoil!
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Lo, on high Christ hath ascended,
  Leading captives in His train;
These as gifts He has perfected
  That the Lord may dwell with them.
Brothers, sisters, we are those,
  We’re those transformed, vanquished foes!
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Blessed be the Lord forever:
  Day by day He loads with good,
E’en the God of our salvation—
  Spread His worthy praise abroad.
His the goings forth from death,
  Every foe He conquereth!
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
They have seen, O God, Thy goings
  In Thy holy dwelling place,
Thy triumphal, high processions
  Midst a mighty voice of praise.
See the singers go before,
  Praising, praising o’er and o’er:
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Little Benjamin is leading,
  Then great Judah’s company:
Son of sorrow at God’s right hand,
  Lion with the scepter see.
Zebulun and Naphtali
  Make the joyful tidings fly:
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!
Saints, thy strength has been commanded
  From the temple glorious;
Still we pray that God may strengthen
  All that He has wrought for us.
Higher yet our praise shall rise
  Till the utmost earth replies:
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
  Hallelujah, Amen!

Jacksonville, FL, United States

I love this song

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

The first part of Stanza 8 of this hymn is based on Psalms 68:27a “There are little Benjamin who rule them, and the prince of Judah in their company. ” This concerns Christ and God’s eternal economy.

The first four lines of the stanza reads:

“Little Benjamin is leading

Then great Judah’s company;

Son of sorrow at God’s right hand

Lion with the scepter see. ”

Benjamin was given two names. His mother Rachel as she was dying named him “Benoni, ” meaning son-of-my-sorrow. Benoni typifies Christ who as the Man of sorrows (Isaiah 53:3) in His incarnation and human life on earth accomplished God’s eternal redemption for His full-salvation.

His father Jacob, changed his name to “Benjamin, ” which means son-of-my-right-hand. (Gen. 35:18b). To be at the right hand is to be in a position of glory and honor. As the son of the right hand, Benjamin typifies Christ, who as Son of the right hand in His resurrection, victory and ascension ministers in the heavens to carry out the application of God’s redemption for His salvation.

Christ was incarnated to be Benoni the man of sorrows, but in His resurrection He became Benjamin, the Son of the right hand in glory and honor.

Judah is the lion with power and the scepter and He is the peace; Shiloh to God’s people. (Gen. 49:8-10). Whereas Benjamin typifies Christ mainly in his humanity, Judah typifies Christ mainly in his divinity. In his divinity Christ is not a man of sorrows but a lion with power and authority (signified by the scepter). In particular Judah typifies Christ as the victory for God’s people and the peace to God’s people. In the application of redemption Christ is our peace.

Judah the kingly tribe was accompanied always by Benjamin, a warrior tribe

(Gen. 49:27), for God’s kingdom on the earth. In typology Judah and Benjamin, were joined geographically to form a group for the accomplishment and application of Christ’s redemption for God’s salvation. In Benjamin the emphasis is on the accomplishment of redemption, with Judah the emphasis is on the application (in Christ’s ascension) of redemption.

When Jacob blessed his son Benjamin in Genesis 49:27, he likened him to a “ravenous wolf” who destroys the enemy by tearing him to pieces. In Deuteronomy 33:12, Moses says that Benjamin will dwell securely beside Jehovah and that Jehovah will dwell between Benjamin’s shoulders.

In Gen. 49:9, Jacob likens Judah to a “young lion. ” The lion is a symbol of Christ portrayed as a strong fighter against the enemy as prophesied in Genesis 49:8-9. A lion is a type of Christ as the ultimate Overcomer. (Rev. 5:5)

Jerusalem with God’s temple was located in the territory of Benjamin and next to the tribe of Judah. Thus the blessing of Jacob’s twelve sons ends with God’s dwelling place which ultimately consummates in the New Jerusalem as a mutual dwelling place of God and His redeemed for eternity.

Lines 5 and 6 of stanza 8 in hymn 1100 is a praise concerning the spreading of God’s glad tidings of Christ’s accomplishment with the goodly words of the gospel.

The two lines read:

“Zebulun and Naphtali

Make the joyful tidings fly. ”

Psalms 68:27b mention “the prince of Zebulun and the prince of Naphtali. ”

Zebulun, dwelling at the shore of the sea of Galilee and being a shore for ships ( Genesis 49:13) typifies Christ as a “shore” of the evangelists for the transportation and spreading in the preaching of God’s gospel. After Christ accomplished all the things that are to be proclaimed as the gospel, on the day of Pentecost at least 120 Gospel “ships” all whom were Galileans, set out from the shore to spread the gospel.

Naphtali, according to Genesis 49:21, is a “hind let loose, ” and he gives beautiful words. Naphtali typifies Christ as the One who is released from death in resurrection signified by the hind let loose and gives beautiful words for the preaching of the gospel.

In typology Zebulun and Naphtali form a group for the spreading and the propagating of the glad tidings of Christ’s redemption, accomplished for God’s salvation. The people of both Zebulun and Naphtali were men of Galilee (Acts 1:11) from whom the gospel of Christ has been spread, preached, and propagated.


Conroe, Texas, United States

See the singers go before,

Praising, praising o’er and o’er!

Frank Kennedy

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States

" Blessed be the Lord forever "

" Day by day He loads with good ".


Forrh Worth, Texas, United States

Oh God, do strengthen in us what You have wrought for us!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

The Son of right hand.

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA


Piano Hymns