搜索 40
E324 Far away the noise of strife upon my ear 经典诗歌
E1350 I'm in Christ, now rejoicing 经典诗歌
E1236 In the church the sound of life upon our ear is falling 经典诗歌
E501 O glorious Christ, Savior mine 经典诗歌
E8252 Once I served as slave in Egypt, troubles faced unceasing 经典诗歌
E8245 Once in sin I served, a slave, in pain, by sin tormented 经典诗歌
NS594 The Cross is Not a Suffering 新歌
E1242 The Lord, the seed of life, has sown 经典诗歌
E1403 The heavens God's glory declare 经典诗歌
E1152 To Jesus every day we find our hearts are closer drawn 经典诗歌
E1268 When Noah worked upon the ark as God to 经典诗歌
Cs125 主是生命种子 经典诗歌(补充本)
C252 前在埃及为罪奴仆 经典诗歌
C245 前在罪中为罪奴仆 经典诗歌
Cs716 同过召会 经典诗歌(补充本)
C417 夜影尚存晨光未现 经典诗歌
C413 宝贝的救主 经典诗歌
C229 我今在基督里面 经典诗歌
C382 荣耀基督亲爱救主 经典诗歌
Cs537 献上自己建造方舟 经典诗歌(补充本)
Cs201 祂是天天更宝贝 经典诗歌(补充本)
C1003 诸天述说神的荣耀 经典诗歌
F65 Affranchi du vieil Adam 经典诗歌(法语)
T1350 Ako ay na kay Kristo Classic (Filipino)
T1236 Awit ng buhay sa ekklesi-a'y napakinggan Classic (Filipino)