Pathway of Life

Jesus Lord, I truly love You.
I must gain—gain only You.
Your great love has reached me, transforming me
E'en made me Thy Beloved.
  Day by day, unceasingly,
Sweetly whispering in me,
My whole heart You melt! My spirit within
Rejoices, Lord, with Thee!
Love constrains me, draws gradually,
To pour out my all to Thee;
All my life and future, once held so dear,
I yield wholeheartedly.
  Thy hands break me faithfully—
The burnt off'ring's flame burns bright;
Only after death does suffering cease;
My soul-life I deny.
Breaking of the outer man frees;
Inner life thus is released;
Living water, in resurrection life,
Flows forth abundantly.
  No more I who live, but Thee;
It is Christ who lives in me;
My humanity now transparently
Expresses only Thee.
Show me, Lord, a vision more clear;
Draw me on, higher, more near;
That I'd deeply long to see Thee come soon,
And build Thy Body dear.
  Lord, Thy glory's blinded me;
I the world no more can see.
Now unhindered, I must finish the race,
Run swiftly, steadfastly.
See the prize ahead, very near!
Soon the Kingdom will appear!
Virgins, quickly rise! Trim your lamps! Behold,
Here comes Your Bridegroom dear!
  Full account the Master makes:
"Well done! Well done! Faithful slave!"
Wedding feast, the Kingdom, New Jerusalem—
Eternal joy and praise
James Jaudon

Amherst, Ohio, United States

The burnt off’ring’s flame burns bright;

Only after death does suffering cease;

My soul-life I deny. .......

Thank you H. S. K. ; D. T.

Lisa Carney Beckham

"Lord, Thy glory’s blinded me;

I the world no more can see.

Now unhindered, I must finish the race,

Run swiftly, steadfastly."

O run swiftly, steadfastly into You, Lord Jesus, our peace and life and joy !!!