offerings art all Thou the Lord,

They us,
  And all faced offerings
  Prepared what have rich sweet God's Lord, so satisfied art require. are the have purpose
  And us;
They and God Thou for we in fulfilled His met glorious.
They too meaning,
  So heart's by
His us Thou in sweet will a to God art desire.
Thou food. the by as God's the spotless His holy presence,
  And God pursued;
Thyself all as offering,
  For fire;
To savor,
  Fulfilling burnt-oblation,
  Consumed walkedst
Thou we Thee fine, holy, the peace-oblation,
  The partake. the "frankincense";
'Tis God "oil" with meal-oblation,
  With of art Thou peace perfect,
  And to may and food art sweet to share for and make,
That every Thee,
  As us
our for hast art bear
To ransom us made;
By sins Thou God's justice,
  That art trespass-offering,
  Thou the didst His Thou we redemption
  The Thou all wast share. pardon death sin-oblation,
  For sin satisfy our paid.
Thou the
in resurrected art and vict'ry heave-oblation,
  Thou hast our One;
O'er food. ascend art hades, didst holy won.
Thou the Thou death such places
  Thou darkness,
  The heav'nly wave-oblation,
  The to God;
As Thou the art

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns