Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
  Sweetest Name on earth,
How can I, a sinner,
  Come to know its worth?
Oh! the sinful sorrow,
  Oh! the strangest shame,
That I saw no beauty
  In that sacred Name.
Never felt the sweetness!
  Never knew the grace,
Never saw the love-pain
  In that wounded face!
Never found the mystery
  In that simple word—
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
  Savior, Lover, Lord.
Now 'tis past and over.
  Gone my guilt and shame;
Jesus, Jesus did it,
  Glory to His Name!
Wonderful compassion,
  Reaching even me;
Bows my humbled spirit
  In captivity.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
  Loved me in my shame.
Oh! the joy and rapture
  Of that sacred Name.
Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

Alpheus Paget Wilkes was born on January 19th, 1871 in Tichwell, Norfolk, the second son of Reverend Alpheus Wilkes and Mary Davies.

Wilkes was brought up in Walingham, a village in Norfolk England where his father, an austere evangelical from Yorkshire was the headmaster of a grammar school and a vicar in West Bradshaw. His mother was the daughter of a publisher and newspaper editor. She had a lovely singing voice and a lively personality.

Paget and his brother Lewis were homeschooled under a strict but simple environment. His mother died when Alpheus was 13. His father remarried and their home became a center for religious spinsters.

Alpheus went to school in Oxford and was influenced by Frederick B. Meyer, a contemporary of D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon who was involved in inner city work on both sides of the Atlantic. Paget spent three of his years at Oxford helping in the work of Children’s Special Service Mission. At this time there was a strong zeal at Oxford. He was inspired by Richard R. Harvey, a Pentecostal preacher.

In 1898, Wilkes began his mission work in Japan at Matsue and Osaka at the invitation of Barclay Buxton who first went to Japan in 1890. They returned to England in 1902 and in 1903 they founded the Japan Evangelical Band at the Keswick Convention. The band was devoted to evangelism and personal holiness. The band now known as JCL, has now led to the establishment of the Kansai Bible College in Kobe, the largest city in Japan.

Wilkes married Gertrude Hamilton Bartrop, his loyal supporter. For 20 years Wilkes and his wife spent their time alternating between Japan and England until their son’s health made them return to England.

In 1910 Wilkes went on a tour of Japan he described as the “Missionary Joys of Japan”. The following year he visited Korea and the north of Japan.

Wilkes returned to England upon receiving a cable that his son, who had served in the Front in Flanders during WWI, had been gassed and another cable saying he had been captured at the Front and sent to Germany. Afterwards, in 1923, he went back to Japan. He visited Shanghai, China on a missionary trip in 1925.

In 1926 , Wilkes and his wife visited his sister back in England and shortly after in 1927, went to South Africa and Switzerland. During that time he was particularly active traveling over 4, 000 miles and holding 200 meetings. As a result, his health suffered. On his way to Canada he was taken ill and returned to Switzerland. He visited Japan for the last time in 1930.

Wilkes produced a number of expositions of Scripture. One of his most famous was the “Dynamic Series. ” He also wrote poetry and hymns and translated Japanese poems into English. Their son became a missionary to Africa.

Wilkes died on October 5th, 1934.

Ruth Limin

Jakarta, Indonesia

And grateful for those who make this work that enables me to sing a song with Him in the morning!

Daniel Kyalo

Nairobi, Kenya

JESUS is a simple word to say but the most powerful name under the sun. Whenever, wherever and whoever needs peace, love joy, humility, wisdom, divine healing and all good and blessed things should ask Him in prayer and definitely he/she will get it. A WONDERFUL NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES. Amen.

Elizabeth Urbanski

Suffield, Argentina



Glen Innes, Nsw, Australia

5 Now ’tis past and over.

Gone my guilt and shame;

Jesus, Jesus did it,

Glory to His Name!

O how awsome is our precious Jesus! One nanme that means so much! O I love my precious sweet and glorious Jesus! Praise His holy and glorious name! Blessings!

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

"Wonderful compassion reaching EVEN ME; bows my humbled spirit in CAPTIVITY."

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

"Never found the mystery in that simple word—Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Savior, Lover, Lord."