Jesus, wondrous Savior

Jesus, wondrous Savior!
  Christ, of kings the King!
Angels fall before Thee,
  Prostrate, worshipping;
Fairest they confess Thee
  In the heav'n above.
We would sing Thee fairest
  Here in hymns of love.
All earth's flowing pleasures
  Were a wintry sea;
Heav'n itself without Thee
  Dark as night would be.
Lamb of God! Thy glory
  Is the light above.
Lamb of God! Thy glory
  Is the life of love.
Life is death, if severed
  From Thy throbbing heart.
Death with life abundant
  At Thy touch would start.
Worlds and men and angels
  All consist in Thee,
Yet Thou camest to us
  In humility.
Jesus! all perfections
  Rise and end in Thee;
Brightness of God's glory
  Thou, eternally.
Favored beyond measure
  They Thy face who see;
May we, gracious Savior,
  Share this ecstasy.
Lilo Xu

Auckland, New Zealand

Jesus, oh wondrous Savior, the King of kings!! Lord, You are the fairest. No one else, nothing else can compare with You. All consist in You, our wonderful Lord, and You came to us in Your humility. how we praise You, Lord! how we adore You! Lord, how we long to see Your face, our gracious Savior.

Toyin Diyan

London, United Kingdom

Life is death if severed from Thy throbbing heart!

Lord I love You.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

The fifth of se­ven child­ren, Mc­Gre­gor was con­vert­ed at age 20 under the min­is­try of Ca­na­di­an Bap­tist preach­er John Gil­mour (1792-1869). A grad­u­ate of the Ca­na­di­an Li­ter­a­ry In­sti­tute (The­ol­o­gy, 1878) and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of To­ron­to (BA 1881), Mc­Gre­gor joined the fa­cul­ty of To­ron­to Bap­tist Coll­ege in 1886. He was Pro­fess­or of Sys­te­ma­tic The­ol­o­gy at the time of his 1889 ap­point­ment as Prin­ci­pal. His ca­reer was, how­ev­er, short-lived. Af­flict­ed by a form of pa­ral­ys­is, he spent the lat­ter part of 1889 and earl­y 1890 con­fined to bed. He died rough­ly a month af­ter sur­ge­ry for his con­di­tion.

This is work is al­so known as “The Mc­Mas­ter Hymn” be­cause it is the of­fi­cial hymn of Mc­Mas­ter Un­i­ver­si­ty, Ham­il­ton, On­tar­io, Can­a­da. Mc­Greg­or is thought to have writ­ten these words dur­ing Ad­vent 1889. His fam­i­ly do­nat­ed the orig­in­al man­u­script to Mc­Mas­ter Un­i­ver­si­ty in 1921. - cyberhymnal


There are 2 additional stanzas following stanza 1 above:

1b Fairer far than sunlight

unto eyes that wait

Amid fear and darkness,

’til the morning break;

Fairer than the day-dawn,

hills and dales among,

When its tide of glory

wakes the tide of song.


1c Sweeter far than music

quivering from keys

That unbind all feeling

with strange harmonies.

Thou art more and dearer

than all minstrelsy;

Only in Thy presence

can joy’s fullness be.

seth romano

Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines

Oh! What a wondrous Savior that I had! Jesus is my real Savior!!! Hallelujah!!