My song shall be of Jesus

B93 E165 T165
My song shall be of Jesus;
  His mercy crowns my days,
He fills my cup with blessings,
  And tunes my heart to praise.
My song shall be of Jesus,
  The precious Lamb of God,
Who gave Himself my ransom,
  And bought me with His blood.
My song shall be of Jesus
  When, sitting at His feet,
I call to mind His goodness
  In meditation sweet:
My song shall be of Jesus,
  Whatever ill betide;
I'll sing the grace that saves me,
  And keeps me at His side.
My song shall be of Jesus
  While pressing on my way
To reach the blissful kingdom
  Of pure and perfect day:
And when my soul shall enter
  That realm of splendor fair,
A song of praise to Jesus
  I'll sing forever there.
Samuel Simon

Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

This song is 🔥🔥

Jason Ramirez Gutierrez

Bakersfield, California, United States

This hymn is really awesome it reminds me of a childhood song when the saints come marching in.

Ana Lara

United States

This is another of more than 8, 000 hymns written by the blind American poet, Fanny Crosby. Although she wrote about a variety of themes, the subject of the Lord’s return seemed to be one of her favorites. The meaning of seeing her Savior face to face had great personal meaning to this blind believer.

When she was only eight years old she wrote this poem:

Oh what a happy soul I am

Although I cannot see,

I am resolved that in this world

Contented I will be.

How many blessings I enjoy

That other people don’t;

To weep and sigh because I’m blind,

I cannot and I won’t.

She lived by this resolve her entire life. Once a well-intentioned Scottish minister remarked to her, “ I think that it is a great pity that the Master, when He showered so many gifts upon you, did not give you sight.

She replied with a bit of a rebuking tone “Do you know that if at birth I had been able to make one petition to my Creator, it would have been that I should have been born blind? ”

“Why? ” asked the minister in surprise

“Because when I get to heaven, the first face that shall ever gladden my sight will be that of my Savior. ”

Piano Hymns