Under the burdens of guilt and care

Under the burdens of guilt and care,
  Many a spirit is grieving,
Who in the joy of the Lord might share,
  Life everlasting receiving.
Life! life! eternal life!
Jesus alone is the Giver:
Life! life! abundant life!
  Glory to Jesus forever!
Burdened one, why will you longer bear
  Sorrows from which He releases?
Open your heart, and rejoicing, share
  Life more abundant in Jesus.
Leaving the mountain, the streamlet grows,
  Flooding the vale with a river;
So, from the hill of the Cross, there flows
  Life more abundant forever.
Oh, for the flood on the thirsty land!
  Oh, for a mighty revival!
Oh, for a sanctified, fearless band,
  Ready to hail its arrival!
Linda Bishop

Springdale, AR, United States

It's the best song.


James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Life, life, eternal life. What a comforting truth. Thank you Lord, we sinners have received eternal life. Our very soul is being saved from death. Because of this eternal Life of Christ we can share in His joy. He died for the joy set before Him that was His full expression the church. Oh that many more would have this life and join Christ in His joy. Lord we need revived. Lord for a mighty revival in this thirsty land!


Palm Beach Gardens, FL, United States


Brother John

United Kingdom

Additional verse 2 found in The Redemption Hymnal.

2. Bearing our burden of guilt, there came

One Who is strong to deliver,

Bringing to men through His Wondrous Name,

Life "more abundant" for ever.