Dear Father God, the Sole “I AM”

Dear Father God, the sole “I AM”—
Surely in heav’n Your name’s proclaimed!
The source of all, and all that’s real!
In You alone are we sustained!
You are the only One who is!
Nothing apart from You is real!
If everything should cease to be,
You would exist forever still.
Matter and time and space exist
Only because You made it so,
Creating all things from Yourself,
For Your own will, formed long ago.
You stretched Your hands and placed the stars,
Causing the universe to form;
But, even in its infancy,
Newer were You than what was born.
Ancient of old, unworn by time,
Fresher than Your creation laid.
No other life is life but Yours;
Your life cannot diminish, fade.
You are beyond all time and space,
Inhabiting eternity.
You are the uncreated One
Who is, who was, and e’er will be.
You have no origin or start,
No lineage, parents, infancy,
No birth, beginning, dawn, or source,
Always existing, timelessly.
Your life is indestructible!
Unending! Indissoluble!
There are no limits to Your life!
Eternal, vast, immeasurable!
Alpha, Omega, First and Last,
Fuller than all of time itself—
Though time has limits, You do not!
You set the bounds, not bound Yourself!
More mighty than we can conceive,
Purposeful in Your heart sublime,
Jehovah God whom none perceive,
Utterly holy, all divine!
We bow our heads in worship here
Before Your majesty on high,
In awe, receiving all You are!
Your life alone we magnify!

United States

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