From my spirit within flows a fountain of life

From my spirit within flows a fountain of life—
  The Triune God flowing in me;
God the Father’s the source, Christ the Son is the course,
  And the Spirit imparts life to me.
  Lord, I treasure the sweet flow of life,
  And my soul-life at last I lay down;
O Lord, deepen the pure flow of life;
    At Your coming may life be my crown.
In the fresh, tender grass Jesus makes me lie down;
  He leads me by waters of rest;
No more struggle and strain; all self-effort is vain;
  In the flow I am perfectly blessed.
Jesus called me one day to the Holiest Place,
  To live in His presence divine;
Hallelujah, I’ve heard an encouraging word:
  “Abide—you’re a branch in the vine.”

La Jolla, CA, United States

PSALM 23:2

He makes me lie down in the green pasture;

He leads me beside waters of rest.


Susan Zacharias

La Crete, Alberta, Canada

Beautiful songs! They bless my soul, heart, and mind! ;) To God be The Glory!

Angela Oliva

Columbus, Ohio, United States

Lord Jesus! I treasure the sweet flow of life!


Ft Worth, TX, United States

Deepen the flow!!

Luke Yang

Tainan, Taiwan

Lord! Deepen the flow in me.

Michael Liu



Taipei, Taiwan


Orlando Barragan

Spokane, Washington

Abide, you're a branch in the vine! Oh this song is so so good. We are connected to the flowing, rich, exhaust less One, our job is easy; just abide. Lord, keep us abiding in our normal daily lives.

Isaya Kisekka

Garden City, Kansas, United States

Oh Lord Jesus!

Deepen the sweet flow of life in me.

David Bochorishvili

Tbilisi, Georgia

O Lord, deepen the pure flow of life;

At Your coming may life be my crown.

Piano Hymns