What shall I give Thee, Master

B255 E446 S191
What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou who didst die for me.
Shall I give less of what I possess,
  Or shall I give all to Thee?
Jesus, my Lord and Savior;
  Thou hast giv’n all for me;
Thou didst leave Thy home above
  To die on Calvary.
What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou hast giv’n all for me;
Not just a part or half of my heart,
    I will give all to Thee.
What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou hast redeemed my soul;
My gift is small but it is my all—
  Surrendered to Thy control.
What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Giver of gifts divine!
I will not hold time, talents or gold—
  For everything shall be Thine.

Auckland, New Zealand

"What shall I give Thee Master, Thou hast given all for me."

I'm thinking of Mary who broke an alabaster box for the Lord. To break our alabaster box is to lay aside ourselves, our self interest and pour it to our beloved Lord Jesus. Spending time with Him is one way to break our alabaster box. Let us all be encouraged to have a personal, affectionate,

private and spiritual time with the Lord. Amen. Lord Jesus I love You.

G. A. Oche

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Many thanks to the team behind this site. I have found this a very resourceful repository of spiritual songs and hymns for my personal devotions and nourishment. May God bless you more. Amen.

Jacklyn Beverley Carryl

Boca Raton, FL, United States

I just listened to a Bible commentary on 1st Samuel Chapter 2 where Hannah gave her only son Samuel to the Lord.. That left me with a question, what shall I give to the Lord?

My mind raced back to this beautiful song which I sang with tears in my eyes. Thank you God for This song.




Marina Del Rey, California, United States

Hadn't thought of the words of this song for years but the Lord brought it to my mind during quiet time today. So glad God used Google to acquaint me with this site. I know I will be referring to it often. Thank you! I appreciate your comment Shari.

Shari Rydman

Warrenton, OR, United States

During my quiet time today I sang the songs from the One Year Hymn book for Jan 6 and 7: We Three Kings and As With Gladness Men of Old. Afterwards, I was pondering: How did the magi know what to bring to the King of the Jews? The Holy Spirit must have led them to the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh!! Then the song from my youth came into my head..."what shall I give Thee, Master??? Thou hast given all for me?" I couldn't find it in any of my hymnbooks... so I came to the computer and hymnal.net. Thank you so very much.


Manila, Cavite, Philippines

I love this song it melts my heart and make me cry while singing this song

Nelson K

Sydney, Australia

"Not just a part or half of my heart,

I will give all to Thee."


Thorverton, Devon, United Kingdom

I woke this morning with this song playing in my head. That just had to be God because Rich (my husband) and I will be leading a service at our chapel on 31st December and we are encouraging folk to re-dedicate their live to Jesus as the old year ends and a new year begins. My mother used to sing this song when we were kids... I'm 72 now and she's in Glory!!

James Lamm

Highland, CA, United States

Homer Grimes was my pastor at Scott Memorial Baptist Church in San Diego, CA. I was 7 or 8 years old. When he left, Tim LaHaye became the pastor, I remember those days so long ago, how Pastor Grimes could make that piano rock...