There’s a gospel of today

There’s a gospel of today
That says believe and you’ll be saved and then
You can go to heaven and see the pearly gates
And walk the golden streets;
Words like these fail to treat
All the vanity that is hidden in me.
But the gospel is to me
The Triune God within humanity
As the Spirit reaching me to be in me
The one reality;
Love untold—Gospel theme
Never getting old—story told eternally.
Left the ninety-nine behind—
You searched until the lost sheep You did find,
Laid me on Your shoulders there, You bore me in
Your tender loving care;
Rejoicing—You found me
Though a small lost sheep—You gave all to come find me.
Sweeping in my deepest parts,
You lit a lamp and searched my inward heart,
Sanctifying deep within You shined in me,
Exposed me of my sin;
Repenting—now I see
Lord, You’re sprinkling me—with the blood You shed for me.
Eagerly awaiting me
That I the slightest turn to Thee would make
Though my life had been a wreck, You ran to me
And fell upon my neck
Kissing me, affectionately;
Killed the calf for me—“Let us eat and be merry.”
Igor Savinkin

Riga, Latvia

I do enjoy this sweet, the Triune God's love and care expounding hymn. We do need to speak the high peak truth, which indeed being the deep truth. 'Deep' implies it is able to touch 'my deepest parts', that is our spirit along with our mind, emotions, will. I like that this hymn does it in simple, story-telling way. Could you ever leverage/appy the Luke 15 parables to believers' experience? 'Your tender loving care', 'sweeping in my deepest parts', 'eagerly awaiting me', 'fell upon my neck'. Each believer, I think, is tired of ourward things, vanity and seeks for the reality, the deep touch with the Father, Son and Spirit as the cosummate Spirit in them.

May Lord bring us on for the deeper experiencing Him, this hymn being the means for believers to apprehend and enter into our dear processed and consummated Triune God.

As I was writing this comment I felt to recommend this hymn to one of my Christian friends.

Salem Long

Austin, Texas, United States

I'm really enjoying stanza 5.

My life indeed has been a wreck. These past weeks I have been squandering my time seeking after worldly love, pleasure, and vain things of emptiness. Eventually, all these things have led to nothing. Even among the worldliest people, I am considered a vulgar failure.

But although I am the worst, the Lord still ran to me after the slightest turn. Hallelujah for His love and grace!

Joshua Njoroge

London, Walthamstow Central, United Kingdom

I have just came back from the year 7 conference and this song really touched my heart and while I was there I received the Lord Jesus.

Sandy Williams

Brampton, ON, Canada

Sat in a quiet time this morning and let the sweetness of these words wash over my being. Thank You Triune God for Your determined stubborn love toward each of us. You sought us, called us by name, carried us, saved us by putting us into the church life.

Coming out of the denominations and into the church life floored me, that such a way to meet exists in the earth! Oh, a way to love and pursue our Triune God together. No one knows how lonely and lost I was in a crowded denomination! I did not know God's eternal purpose, I ran around trying to find "my ministry or my gift" and missed knowing this wonderful Christ. Lord have mercy, but I did not even know my regenerated mingled spirit!

WHAT A RESCUING! To be brought to be with the saints, I am not alone anymore. I don't have to try and figure anything out anymore. And its beautiful because we all know that we are weak and full of shortages, but Hallelujah! We have the Lord and each other. We flee, we pursue, we call together. The Lord would complete the good work in us as His one Body.

Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing us all together, for building us into You, and You into us. What a gospel today! Hallelujah.


Managua, Nicaragua

This is one of the songs that I love the most because it reflects the true love which is our Lord's true love! "Left the ninety-nine behind You searched until the lost sheep You did find,

Laid me on Your shoulders there, You bore me in

Your tender loving care" I love You Lord :)


Irvine, CA, United States

Every time I sing this song, I always declare the 3rd or 4th verse. Amen Lord! Even though we were the last and lost sheep, you came to find us! Oh Lord! You exposed me of my sin! Praise the Lord! You sprinkled me with the blood You shed for me!

Carson Sourinthone

Anaheim, United States

Amen, we currently sang this song at SSOT at Engedi camp. It was so enjoyable. PRAISE THE LORD!

Yin Wong

Temple City, Ca, United States

I love this song. I always thought the gospel ended at going to heaven. But praise the Lord I found the church in Arcadia and the saints shined in me there is much more to that!

Abimbola Waddell

Manchester, Lanc, United Kingdom

This song ministers a lot to me and since have heard it l am so addicted to it and it brings joy to my heart each time l listen to it (l do not know how to sing it very well yet) and there is a new meaning. God's love and affection is so deep to me l can't just comprehend it.

Daniel Chen

Potomac, Maryland, United States

This really touched me:

"Sweeping in my deepest parts,

You lit a lamp and searched my inward heart,

Sanctifying deep within You shined in me,

Exposed me of my sin;

Repenting—now I see

Lord, You're sprinkling me—with the blood You shed for me."