Come in, O come! the door stands open now

C277 E354 K277 T354
Come in, O come! the door stands open now;
I knew Thy voice; Lord Jesus, it was Thou.
The sun has set long since the storms begin;
’Tis time for Thee, my Savior, O come in!
Alas, ill-ordered shows the dreary room;
The household stuff lies heaped amidst the gloom,
The table empty stands, the couch undressed;
Ah, what a welcome for th’ Eternal Guest!
Yet welcome, and tonight; this doleful scene
Is e’en itself my cause to hail Thee in;
This dark confusion e’en at once demands
Thine own bright presence, Lord, and ord’ring hands.
I seek no more to alter things, or mend,
Before the coming of so great a Friend;
All were at best unseemly; and ’twere ill
Beyond all else to keep Thee waiting still.
Come, not to find, but make this troubled heart
A dwelling worthy of Thee as Thou art;
To chase the gloom, the terror, and the sin:
Come, all Thyself, yea come, Lord Jesus, in!

Milwaukie, Oregon, United States

I realize how much I need the Lord Jesus to come in to make His home in my heart. My prayer today is that I would never wait to "clean up my act" before coming to God. In fact, it is impossible for me to meet God's demands but Jesus has done it and is doing it in me. Lord keep my heart turned towards You today and every day.

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Handley Carr Glynn Moule was born December 23, 1841, Fordington, Dorsetshire, England and died May 8, 1920. He was buried in Bow Cemetery Durham, England.

He was the son of Rev. H. Moule and husband of Harriot Mary Moule. Handley was educated at home and a Trinity College, Cambridge,

B. A. in first class Classical and Theological honors, 1864-65. He was Carus Prizeman, 1862; Browne’s Medallist, 1863; and gained the Seatonian Prize, 1869-73 and 1877-80, which is awarded by the University of Cambridge for the best English poem on a sacred subject since 1750.

Moule took his Holy Orders in 1867, he was Curate of Fordington, Dorset, 1867-73 and 1877-80; Dean Trinity College, Cambridge, 1874-77 ; and Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge, 1880. He was Fellow of his College 1865; Select Preacher at Cambridge, 1880-81, 87; and Chaplain to the Bishop of Liverpool, 1880.

Of Mr. Moule’s hymns the following appeared in the Appendix to the Fordington Hymn Book, 1878:

•Chief Shepherd of Thy People.

•Jesus, such His love and Power

• Lift Heart and Voice Above.

Glenna Herron

Odessa, TX, United States

This hymn really captures a mood of one in desperate need of Christ. How awesome that the Lord could come into such a shambles and chase away all the gloom, terror, and sin and make it fit to be a dwelling place for Himself. Lord do this in each one of us individually and the church corporately.



I cannot keep a clean house. It is beyond me. But not beyond Him! This hymn describes my housekeeping (Pity my family). I long to make it a place where the mind can rest and creativity can flourish. Lord Jesus, I need you to clean up my heart and my life.