There was One who was willing to die

E1067 T1067
There was One who was willing to die in my stead,
  That a soul so unworthy might live,
And the path to the cross He was willing to tread
  All the sins of my life to forgive.
They were borne on the cross,
They were borne on the cross,
O how much He was willing to bear!
With what anguish and loss,
Jesus went to the cross!
But He carried my sins with Him there.
He is tender and loving and patient with me,
  While He cleanses my heart of its dross;
But “there’s no condemnation,” I know I am free,
  For my sins were all borne on the cross.
I will cling to my Savior and never depart—
  I will joyfully journey each day,
With a song on my lips and a song in my heart,
  That my sins have been taken away.


Angella Fisher bartley

Sunrise, FL, United States

Great song singing this song since I was 8 yrs old....thank You Lord.


North Lauderdale, Florida, United States

This song is my #1 favorite, I spontaneously sing this song every day; it just comes out.. Word cannot describe how emotional I get when I hear or sing this song. The words are so powerful, and accurate... I commend the writer.

Luu Machila

Lusaka, Zambia

This song fills my eyes with tears of joy! Someone paid the price on my behalf.... Amen

James Obwocha

Mombasa, Kenya

Surely this song has inspired me a lot. All glory be unto God for ever.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Born in Vermont, Mrs. Frank A. (Carrie E.) Breck moved to Portland, Oregon, after her marriage. She was a busy mother of 5 daughters with a strong love for the Lord. Most of her hymns were composed while she did housework. She would jot down whatever came to her as she was mending clothes, holding a baby, or even when she was sweeping the floor or washing dishes. She did not have a musical ear nor could she carry a tune, but she was able to write poetry. She wrote more than 2000 poems. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin

The original chorus says, "They are nailed to the cross!" instead of "They were borne on the cross." The title of this song is "Nailed to the Cross".

Milunga Mushaukwa

Lusaka, Zambia

I love the song that it lifts my soul.

Mordicai Pedzi

Harare, Zimbabwe

I love this song so well. It revives me and also makes me to remember very well how Jesus gave Himself for me on the rugged cross. I will definitely cling to my Savior.


Nairobi, Kenya

Glory be to God. Please help me with the notes of this song-either in solfa or staff notation.