Your People Will Offer Themselves Willingly

Your people will offer themselves willingly
    In the day of Your warfare;
Your people will offer themselves willingly
    In the day of Your warfare,
In the splendor of their consecration.
    Your young men will be like dew to You
    From the womb of the dawn.
You will drink from the brook, Your overcomers,
    As You fight on the way to carry out
    God’s economy.
Dear Lord, I will offer myself willingly
    In the day of Your warfare;
Dear Lord, I will offer myself willingly
    In the day of Your warfare,
In the splendor of fresh consecration.
    As young men we’ll be like dew to You
    Of our generation.
We will be the brook to water You, Lord,
    As You take th’ lead to fight through to the end;
    You will lift up Your head.
Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord, make us willing to be willing to offer ourselves to you.


East Gate

You will lift up Your head.