I Want to Fully Follow Jehovah

I want to fully follow Jehovah
All the days of my life.
No hesitation,
No reservation,
Fully trusting Him.
Lord, when I look back on the journey
And all of the things You’ve done for me,
How could I settle and stand back
From all You’ve prepared for me?
I want to fully follow You
Into the good land You promised.
I want to gain my all-inclusive Christ.
I want to fully follow Jehovah
All the days of my life.
Deal with the old man,
Off to the good land
To enjoy my Christ.
I want to fully follow Jehovah
All the days of my life.
Leave all the matters
In His safe hands to
Let Him make His choice.
I want to fully follow Jehovah
All the days of my life.
I’ll pay the price to
Cross o’er the Jordan
To possess my Christ.
We want to fully follow Jehovah
All the days of our lives.
Be strong and take courage
To claim our portion—
Our all-inclusive Christ.
Lord, when we look back on the journey,
We’ll say that it’s You we chose fully.
We didn’t settle and stand back
From gaining You thoroughly.
We want to fully follow You
Into the good land You promised.
We want to gain our all-inclusive Christ.
Marieth Palama

Chicago, Illinois, United States

I want to fully follow Jehovah

All the days of my life.

Deal with the old man,

Off to the good land

To enjoy my Christ.

Lord, strengthen us every day to follow You!

Sherry Young

Monterey Park, CA, United States

Daily we can run into the River of Jordan. The question is do I want to cross with faith or do I shrink back and look at the giants? May the Lord bless me to trust Him “blindly” and just cross the river and gain the good land. May I don’t “settle and stand back, ” but “gain You thoroughly. ” May I not regret in this journey when I look back.