Writing God's Today's History

We need to see our daily walk, living and work,
Schooling and job must all be a part of God's present hist'ry;
We need to see our daily walk, living and work,
Schooling and job must all be a part of God's present hist'ry,
In His marvellous, excellent move on the earth today!
In Him! With Him! By Him! And for Him!
We all need to write God's today's hist'ry!
We need to be one with God in His history,
Moving and energizing in His loving overcomers;
We need to be one with God in His history,
Moving and energizing in His loving overcomers;
One with God in life, living, and all that we do today!
In Him! With Him! By Him! And for Him!
We need to be vital, living and active!
Nathan Reilly

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

This is a great hymn, to revive not just one person, but for all perfecting believers of God, as Christ, we are Christ, because Christ is us, as the Body, the mingling of others praising, in the enjoyment of Him. In all saints, as believers, that always keep on believing in His miracles, He has the power!

Lord Jesus, revive us, all of us, to keep on energizing, and moving as a wheel, to keep turning the age, for today's history, our history, is God's history, let us write to God, in Spiritual words, not of letters. To present ourselves a spiritual co-heirs, as kings, we all must be an a overcomer, in life and in living, we all must vitalized in His moving, working, energizing, acting, and vitalizing Christ. This will turn this age, into a crucial living testimony, to vitalized, not only of ourselves, but if we are in the Body, there is Oneness. it is by the operating regenerating Spirit of God, into us as living organic Christ, is us, to reach forward, our future is Christ! Oh, this is marvelous! Not only Christ is in me, but Christ is in all of us, a member, in the Body, One Body, universal. We are Christ, a member, and we're His Church, identified with Christ, adorned for God, as an expression, to represent the Bridegroom, when the age comes, we will wait for His call! One-By-One, a soldier of God, and a warrior of Christ, married in one Body, universal, His Country-Girl, to carry out His richness of life, light, love, bearing the first-fruits, for the marriage of the Lamb, will come, from His appearing. And this speaking, becomes a vitalized speaking, to usher others into a wonderful building, we're about to become, His city, NEW JERUSALEM, His ultimate expression.