Face to face with Christ, my Savior

Face to face with Christ, my Savior,
Face to face—what will it be,
When with rapture I behold Him,
Jesus Christ who died for me?
  Face to face I shall behold Him,
Far beyond the starry sky;
Face to face in all His glory,
  I shall see Him by and by!
Only faintly now, I see Him,
With the darkling veil between,
But a blessed day is coming,
When His glory shall be seen.
What rejoicing in His presence,
When are banished grief and pain;
When the crooked ways are straightened,
And the dark things shall be plain.
Face to face! O blissful moment!
Face to face—to see and know;
Face to face with my Redeemer,
Jesus Christ who loves me so.
Mary Mastin

Fort Collins, CO, United States

So thankful I grew up with this hymn being played on the piano during church services - it has remained a tried and true song and melody for all ages.

Judith Hample

Austin, Texas, United States



Nairobi, Kenya

In swahili it says" tutaononana na yesu huko kwetu mbinguni " and am just reminded that we must be clean in soul as well as body. I am striving are you?

In order to see Him as He is oh how I pray that this shall come to pass. I am blessed. Thank you. God bless and keep you. Amen.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

The punctuation of 1st stanza should have a comma rather than a question mark at the end of the 2nd line. The question mark goes at the end of the stanza. Otherwise the last 2 lines of the stanza hang there alone, not a part of a sentence.


A missionary couple with the China Inland Mission were captured by a band of Chinese terrorists and were being led by an executioner to a lonely spot on a hill. As the executioner raised his arm, they began to sing this song. To their surprise, instead of being executed they were released. They often told this story of their faith and their expectation of seeing the Lord face to face. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin


Grant Tull­ar was help­ing with evan­geli­stic meet­ings in Ru­ther­ford, New Jer­sey. He, along with the pas­tor and the pastor's wife, did some vis­it­a­tion Sun­day af­ter­noon. They got back to the pas­tor’s home ra­ther late, and sup­per was rushed. Things were put on the ta­ble quick­ly, and ev­er­y­one was in­vit­ed to make his own snack. One of the items set out was an al­most emp­ty jar of jel­ly. Know­ing how much Tul­lar liked it, the pas­tor and his wife both passed it by. Tul­lar ac­cept­ed their kind­ness with a smile, say­ing, “So, this is all for me, is it?” In­stant­ly, the lit­tle phrase “all for me” gripped his thoughts. He went over to the pi­a­no and com­posed on the spot the now fa­mil­iar tune, along with some words—“All for me the Sav­ior suf­fered, all for me He bled and died…” The pas­tor was thrilled. He asked that the song be taught to the peo­ple in the even­ing ser­vice. Tul­lar de­clined, say­ing he want­ed to work on it a bit more. But that ne­ver hap­pened. The next day, a let­ter ar­rived from a Car­rie Breck. She had writ­ten a po­em, and won­dered if Mr. Tul­lar could set it to mu­sic. To his amaze­ment, the me­ter ex­act­ly fit the tune com­posed the even­ing be­fore. The two have been to­ge­ther ev­er since. - cyberhymnal


Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

My favourite hymn, when I sing this hymn remind me about the sabbath day, SDA church. Thanks for uploading this hymn.

Sonia Phillipson_davis

Stony Hill, Kingston, Jamaica

When I sing this song there is a feeling of serenity that attends my soul. Especially the part that takes me far beyond the stary sky and face to face with my Saviour in ALL His glory. OH how I long for that day. I must admit that this song leaves a void in my soul at the end. A dreadful longing for home.

Keep this ministry going, to the glory of God. I used it for worship this morning. All the songs are awesome.

Magdalena Oyam

Ialysos, Rodos, Dodecanese, Greece

We shall see Him (Jesus) face to face by and by... glory be to His wonderful name!!!


Jakarta, Indonesia

Ii remember my father if I hear this song.

Laura Wilson

Lithia, Florida, United States

Thank you very much for the beautiful music. I am going to sing this song in church and greatly needed a way to practice. God bless you and your ministry.

Karen L. Craven

St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

Thank you for this awesome website to bring to mind immediately a memory of God's faithfulness and love.